Dating a man suffering from mummy issues can take you through an extreme emotional roller coaster ride. So, unless you are capable of handling your own emotional upheavals on your own, dating such a man can be overwhelming. Sometimes, you can find him in many awkward situations, such as watching hardcore porn, while there are times when you would find him behaving like a petulant, wimpy child. He can be irresponsible and tends to be sexist and uncommitted. But amidst these prototypes, there are many more layers to these unpredictable men. So what do you do with them?
What Might Have Gone Wrong?
When thinking about mommy issues, your man is most likely to have had an abnormal relationship with his mother or any female relative while growing up. Most of the time, these men dabble between two extremes. In the first scenario, the mother attempts to be his best friend, confidante, and just about everything but a mother. Consequently, the young child grows up to be a man who struggles to maintain natural adult friendships. However, they might have an addiction to Sexy Adelaide Escorts or any larger-than-life female. In the cases of other extreme, a man who was physically or emotionally manipulated or abused by his mother grows up to be indifferent to other women.
Why This Happens?
Every situation occurs for a reason. So finding out the real reason would be the best. There is a lot of evidence that shows mommy issues often result in mental health problems. Often, they remain unresolved even when the boy grows up. Psychologists also point out that mothers who foster an unnatural attachment with their male children often have their own emotional trauma. Often, their apparent overprotective nature comes coupled with emotional unavailability and toxicity.
The Tell Tale Signs
The question is, how can you decide whether your man actually has mommy issues? Some classic signs include that the man would be more insecure than an average male adult. You can find him to have the typical life skills that an adult should have. You can also find him criticizing and jealous when other people around him succeed. You can also expect him to be impulsive and addicted to Delhi call girls, yet he still needs validation from his mother in every action that he takes. And despite being a good friend in need, as a date, your man can have certain inhibitions. You can find him unable to cuddle, hug or listen to what you have to say.
What You Can Do
If you decide to stick with a man with mommy issues, then the journey might not be exactly smooth. Yet, there are a few things that you can try to counter the treatment that he ever received from his mother. You can start by acknowledging the way he feels and constantly assure that he is not alone. It is also necessary to convey that it is fine to not feel okay all the time. Secondly, you need to understand that no matter how weird his needs might be, they need approval. This can gradually help him tap into his hidden childhood trauma and heal with time.
However, for the healing part, you might want to resort to ‘ safe places’ like professional assistance. Whether he needs to get over his addiction to Leeds escorts or heal childhood trauma, you might want to seek help from someone who specializes in these fields. Help him get comfortable in his own skin, and you might find a nice man who would be committed to you forever.